work at Woodstock Massage Works

Work at Woodstock Massage Works


Hi there,


Thanks so much for considering joining the team!


There are some things that are dear to my heart when it comes to the practice, and it is important to me that whoever works here shares these values. To that end I’m offering some of these below so you can see if they resonate with you.


We don’t judge. Rather, we meet people where they’re at with compassion, a tender heart, and open minded, respectful curiosity.


Related to that, all are welcome.


We honor, celebrate, and respect our clients bodily, emotional, and spiritual autonomy. Or, to put it differently: Our clients are in charge of the session at all times, are the foremost experts when it comes to their mind/body, and they can change their mind about anything at any time. We make sure that they feel empowered and safe to let us know if anything isn’t 100% right.


We genuinely care for our clients.


We work together with our clients and their bodies, never at cross purposes.


We take time for our clients. This means that we don’t hurry, give people time to settle in and come back to the world, take the time to find out how they’re doing and explain what will happen, and still give them the time on the table that they came in for. This means that the actual appointment length is up to 15 minutes longer than the stated session duration. It also means that we will try to do all this even if the client is 5 – 10 minutes late (unless there is an appointment directly following.)


We take time for ourselves. This means making sure we have time between appointments to decompress, record notes, eat, drink, and possibly even nap. 


We build meaningful and long lasting relationships with our clients. 



As for yourself, you can expect meaningful compensation, as much or as little support as you would like, a lot of autonomy, and truly grateful and loyal clients.


If this resonates with you, drop me a line at Even if I don’t have an opening, or you’re not ready yet, let’s get a coffee, connect, and stay in touch for when that changes.


I look forward to hearing from you!